AG/SUM Harvest Winning Teams Announced!

AG/SUM Harvest Winning Teams Announced!

The winning AG/SUM Harvest teams were announced on February 19th. Of the 25 teams that pitched, eight were selected as finalists to enter an accelerator program.

Hacker Farm

Hacker Farm aims to provide a service for people in Tokyo with an interest in agriculture. Their service will enable users to learn about and experience farming.

PPAP proposed a system that enables mass-production of pecan nuts in Japan, along with plans for commercialization and branding.

AR Team
Focusing on the alarming issue of desertification, AR Team pitched a game that helps protects forests.

Banana Dream
Banana Dream aims to grow bananas throughout Japan, combining their innovative farming technique and artificial intelligence.

30% of fish hauled is thrown away during the long distribution process. Tail aims to solve this with a C2C platform for seafood.

The Soil Boosters
The Soil Boosters pitched a service that will increase productivity by collecting data on soil using sensors.

Mushiine pitched a technology that breeds insects as an alternative to animal-based protein.

Plus A
Plus A pitched a fintech-based service that supports farmers trying to get funding.

The winning teams will receive;
-participation rights to our accelerator program
-a 3-month subscription to Nikkei Asian Review
-a 100,000 yen’s worth Amazon gift card (one card per team)

Congratulations to the winning teams, and good luck in the accelerator program!

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